
  • Use the search box and filters at right to help you find events & activities of interest. To find events/activities just for you, roll over "primary audience" at right. To find events/activities on a specific topic of interest, roll over each of the event types at right.

  • Register as an attendee or organization to create a profile, make your customized calendar, interact with other attendees, and more. Click here for tutorial videos.

  • Add your customized calendar to Google Calendar, iCal, and more here.

  • Or add an event to the calendar by clicking here.

avatar for Lauren Boucher

Lauren Boucher

Pitt County Schools
Digital Teaching & Learning Coach
Pitt County
During my 14 years in public education, I have taught 3rd grade, gifted education at both elementary and middle school levels, and I am now a Digital Teaching and Learning Coach. My areas of expertise are mobile learning, lesson development, blended learning, and Google for EDU. I am passionate about educational technology, and I love connecting with other educators around the globe via social media and at conferences. I am married, have one son, and I enjoy crafting, crochet, reading, and watching movies.