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avatar for Jeanne Reed

Jeanne Reed

Manhattan Beach Unified School District
Educational Technologist
Manhattan Beach Unified School District

Jeanne is an enthusiastic high-energy educator who spent three years as a computer lab specialist teaching K-5 students and currently is an Educational Technologist consulting for the Manhattan Beach Unified School District (MBUSD). Jeanne shares a passion for comprehensive integration of technology to promote excellence and support transformational change throughout the instructional PreK-12 environment. She holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Illinois.

Jeanne’s current responsibilities include assisting educators and administrators in using technology effectively for assessing student learning, differentiating instruction, and providing meaningful and engaging learning experiences. Also, developing technology-related professional development opportunities and evaluating the impact on instructional practice and student learning.
*MBUSD Google Apps for Education Administrator
*Co-founder @CoderDojoSB, free coding club in the South Bay