
  • Use the search box and filters at right to help you find events & activities of interest. To find events/activities just for you, roll over "primary audience" at right. To find events/activities on a specific topic of interest, roll over each of the event types at right.

  • Register as an attendee or organization to create a profile, make your customized calendar, interact with other attendees, and more. Click here for tutorial videos.

  • Add your customized calendar to Google Calendar, iCal, and more here.

  • Or add an event to the calendar by clicking here.

avatar for Lisa_Madden


Genesee ISD
Curriculum Coordinator
I work as a curriculum coordinator for a regional service agency that provides services to over 25 districts in 2 counties. I'm interested in effective professional development, instructional design, effective grading practices, online professional learning, and innovative leadership practices. I'm currently learning how to design PD using a blend of online venues--my goal is to make it engaging and meaningful!